IFT Prep




This program is for those who CAN pass the USAF PT test but CANNOT pass the USAF SPECWAR IFT 

Ready to crush the IFT and take your training to the next level? Don't waste your time going with programs made by people who have not done the training or instructed the training, this is the best program to get you prepared for the IFT! Introducing Brian Silva's IFT Prep Program, designed to drastically improve your calisthenics, running, and swimming in just 8 weeks

🖊 Note from Brian Silva: 

"The first impression you will give is day one when you meet the cadre and perform your IFT. Just like with any other job interview, you only get one shot at a first impression. Throughout my time as an instructor, I have seen too many people fail the IFT or struggle to barely pass. This is UNACCEPTABLE! If you want this to be your future career, you need to put it all on the line and ensure you can pass the IFT even after completing another full workout. The IFT is the lowest standard you will ever be held to while you are in the Special Operations community. My program is strategically designed to help you excel in the IFT and leave a positive impression on the Cadre from day one. This program was created through my personal experiences preparing for and going through Indoc and training others who were awaiting training or had been set back in the course due to the inability to get to where they needed to be physically. If you are dedicated to this career, then show it, stay consistent with the program, keep your goal in mind, and you will achieve success."

✔️ Specific Workouts, Maximum Results: With a focus on swimming, running, and calisthenics, our 8-week program builds the foundation you have already established for success in PJ/CCT/SR/TACP training. Designed by former Pararescue Team Leader Brian Silva, each workout is progressive and challenging, ensuring you see real improvements in your performance. There will be progress checks to ensure you are hitting the marks you need to succeed.

✔️ Expert Coaching from Brian Silva:  As the mastermind behind this program, Brian Silva brings unparalleled expertise and insight to every aspect of your training journey. With over 12 years of experience as a PJ Team Leader and Head Indoc Instructor, Brian has firsthand knowledge of the challenges you'll face during A&S. His unique blend of military experience, instructional expertise, and academic credentials—including degrees in Military and Instructional Sciences, Personnel Recovery, Human Performance, and Physician Assistant Studies—sets him apart as the ultimate authority in Special Operations training.

✔️ Delivered via Premium App: Access your workouts effortlessly through our Be A PJ® app, featuring video instructions, progress tracking, nutrition guidance, and helpful tips for selection along the way for mindset and preparation. The app gives you everything you need to stay motivated and accountable throughout the program.

✔️ Commitment Required: This program isn't for the faint of heart. To see results, you'll need dedication, effort, and inner motivation. But if you're ready to take the first step towards your Pararescue training to build upon your foundation, this program is for you. You will have exclusive access to the Be A PJ VIP Facebook group, where you will be held accountable to each other and ensure you all succeed together. 

✔️ Everything Included: When you sign up for IFT Prep, you'll receive:

  • 8 weeks of Targeted/Efficient workouts

  • Access to the training via the Be A PJ® app for 1 year

  • Progress tracking and photo logging through the app

  • Access to the How to be a PJ VIP Facebook group

  • FREE Nutrition for the Pararescue Athlete eGuide

  • 1 FREE Video exercise form critique to ensure proper form

⭐️ Client Testimonials: Hear directly from our satisfied clients who have experienced the transformative results of Brian's program:

"I wanted to give you a HUGE thank you for your programming and mentorship. When I first started training 6 months ago I could do the 1.5mi run in about 14 min and could only swim 50m before needing to recover. Now I can hit the 1.5mi run in less than 9 min, even on a bad day, and I can swim 4000m+ while staying completely relaxed. I went from not having a chance in hell of completing the IFT to making it a warm-up."

Required Equipment:

  • Fins
  • Mask
  • Snorkel
  • Towel
  • Foam Roller
  • Lacrosse Ball
  • Weight Vest is optional
  • You will also need access to a pull-up bar and pool.
My recommended product list here includes examples of recommended equipment (Note: not all the products on the recommended product list are needed).

Ready to CRUSH the IFT? Sign up for IFT Prep today and take the first step towards becoming a PJ.